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-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:2010-08-25 21:34:21 -- 普林斯顿法学访问学者: LAPA Fellowships LAPA Fellowships The Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA) at Princeton University invites outstanding faculty, independent scholars, lawyers, and judges to apply for appointments as residential fellows for the academic year. Each year, through its Fellows program, LAPA brings to Princeton world-class experts on the law. Successful candidates will devote an academic year in residence at Princeton engaging in their own research and in the intellectual life of the campus. Under exceptional circumstances, applications for only one semester in residence may be considered. The Fellows program is open to all regardless of citizenship, but it does not support work toward the completion of a degree. Readmore: http://cambodiajobs.blogspot.com/2010/08/lapa-fellowships.html ICRC Young Reporter Competition The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and other situations of violence. The ICRC has a permanent mandate under international law to take impartial action for prisoners, the wounded and sick, and civilians affected by conflict. With its HQ in Geneva, Switzerland, the ICRC is based in around 80 countries and has a total of more than 12,000 staff. Participate in the ICRC Young Reporter Competition and get an inside look at the ICRC\'s humanitarian action, in collaboration with national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The four best entries will win a one-week mission to ICRC delegations in Georgia, Lebanon, Liberia and the Philippines. Readmore: http://cambodiajobs.blogspot.com/2010/08/icrc-young-reporter-competition.html Elsevier Foundation Grant Elsevier is a leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical information products and services. Elsevier works in partnership with the global science and health communities to publish more than 2,000 journals, including The Lancet and Cell, and close to 20,000 book titles, including major reference works from Mosby and Saunders. Elsevier’s online solutions include ScienceDirect, Scopus, Reaxys, MD Consult and Nursing Consult, which enhance the productivity of science and health professionals, and the SciVal suite and MEDai’s Pinpoint Review, which help research and health care institutions deliver better outcomes more cost-effectively. The Elsevier Foundation supports the efforts of libraries to enhance the quality of life in developing countries by advancing knowledge in science, the social sciences technology and medicine. The Foundation provides one, two and three year grants to libraries in the developing countries and supporting organizations: Readmore: http://cambodiajobs.blogspot.com/2010/08/elsevier-foundation-grant.html EEP Mekong Fund The Energy and Environment Partnership with the Mekong Region (EEP Mekong) was launched by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland with support from the Nordic Development Fund in 2009 following the identification of the Mekong region as one of the areas for regional cooperation where sustainable development and climate change mitigation measures were becoming key thematic issues. The EEP Mekong Partner Countries include Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. The overall objectives of the EEP Mekong Programme are: * To improve access to energy and energy services in the Mekong region * To reduce greenhouse gas emissions To achieve its objectives, EEP Mekong will provide funding for qualified projects in renewable energy, waste-to-energy and energy efficiency to be implemented in the four Mekong Partner Countries. Readmore: http://cambodiajobs.blogspot.com/2010/08/eep-mekong-fund.html Scholarships #251: Erasmus Mundus - EMGS Scholarships #250: Erasmus Mundus - EMTTLF Scholarships #249: Erasmus Mundus - Mundusfor Scholarships #248: Erasmus Mundus - MA LLL Scholarships #247: Erasmus Mundus - Euromime Scholarships #246: Erasmus Mundus - IMEC Scholarships #245: Erasmus Mundus - IMFSE Scholarships #244: Erasmus Mundus - Lotus Scholarships #243: Erasmus Mundus - OpSciTech Scholarships #242: Erasmus Mundus - FUSION-EP Scholarships #241: Erasmus Mundus - EUMAINE Scholarships #240: Erasmus Mundus - euSYSBIO Scholarships #239: Erasmus Mundus - IMRD Scholarships #238: Erasmus Mundus - AFEPA Schlolarships #237: FSC Scholarships #236: Erasmus Mundus-IMMIT Scholarships #235: NUS - NGS Scholarship #234: PhD Research Fund at Ghent University #233: Erasmus Mundus-AstroMundus Scholarships #232: Erasmus Mundus-EMLE Scholarships #231: Erasmus Mundus-UNESCO-IHE Scholarships #230: Erasmus Mundus-EMSRHS Scholarships #229: PhD scholarships at University of Copenhagen #228: Scholarships at Yokohama National University #227: PhD stipends at Aalborg University #226: IPCC Scholarships #225: Academy Scholars-Graduate Fellows at Harvard College #224: PhD Fellowships at Bielefeld University #223: PhD Research Scholarships at Asia Research Institute,National University of Singapore #222: Scholarships at Edith Cowan University #221: Japan-IMF Scholarships #220: Hong Kong PhD Fellowships #219: Symantec Graduate Fellowships #218: EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship #217: Scholarships at The University of Western Australia #216: Scholarships at University of Technology Sydney #215: Netherlands Fellowship Programmes #214: Scholarships at HEC School of Management #213: Gates Cambridge Scholarship at University of Cambridge #212: University of Sydney World Scholars #211: UNU-ISP Scholarships #210- SIU Scholarships #209- Scholarships at University of Groningen #208- INSEAD Syngenta Endowed Scholarship #207- Scholarships at University of Adelaide #206- CIMB Regional Scholarship #205- UNU-IRA-INAT-ICARDA-CAREERI-ALRC-GM Scholarship #204- UNEP-WCMC Chevening MPhil Scholarships #203- GEMMA Scholarships #202- TWAS Fellowship for postgraduate, postdoc. & advan research #201- TWOWS Postgraduate Fellowships #200- ESMT Scholarships #199- Scholarships at University Ca\' Foscari of Venice #198- Scholarships at the University of Dublin #197- FONASO-Erasmus Mundus Scholarships #196- Barcelona GSE Scholarships #195- CSMP Fellowships and scholarships #194- Korean Government Scholarships #193- Clean Energy Scholarships #192- A*STAR Pre-Graduate Scholarship #191- A*STAR Graduate Scholarship #190- Singapore-MIT Alliance Graduate Fellowship #189- Nanyang Fellows Programme #188- Nanyang President\'s Graduate Scholarship #187- The Singapore International Graduate Award #186- Scholarships at The University of Manchester #185- Scholarships for International Master of Science #184- Master Scholarships at QFIS #183- PhD Scholarships at The IT University of Copenhagen #182- Master/Doctoral Scholarships at ALGANT #181- Masters/PhD Scholarships at University of Canterbury #180- PhD Scholarships at UNU-IIST #179- Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships #178- Scholarships at The University of Edinburgh #177- IDS-FunMat Scholarships #176- Ph.D Scholarships at Aarhus University #175- Scholarship for PhD and post-doctoral studies in Sweden #174- Scholarship for master’s level studies in Sweden #173- The Master of Lifelong Learning Scholarships #172- Sato International Scholarship Foundation #171- United World College Of South East Asia Scholarships #170- Master and Doctoral Scholarship at Saitama University #169- Jefferson Fellowships #168- PhD Scholarship at Roskilde University, Denmark #167- SCG Foundation – ASEAN Foundation Scholarship #166- Scholarship for Master in International Media Studies #165- Scholarship from The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund #164- Fulbright Student Fellowships for Master and Ph.D #163- The Heinrich B?ll Foundation Scholarship #162- ASEA-UNINET Scholarship #161- MA Human Rights Practice Scholarship #160- International Master in Rural Development scholarship #159- The OPEC Fund for International Development Scholarship #158- Asia Pacific Scholarship Consortium #157- PhD,MA Scholarships at The University of Kent #156- PhD Scholarships at Victoria University of Wellington #155- PhD Scholarship at University of Warsaw #154- Asian Youth Fellowship (AYF) #153- Ph.D. scholarships at University of Lübeck #152- Curtin Research Fellowships #151- KAIST Scholarship 1-2-3-4 Next Grant / Award / Training #207: ICRC Young Reporter Competition #206: Elsevier Foundation Grant #205: EEP Mekong Fund #204: Population Institute’s Global Media Awards #203: View Change Film Contest #202: Earth Vision Awards #201: Women’s Voices Now Prizes #200: RNTC: Training on Broadcast Journalism,Broadcast Management,Internet for Journalists #199: Thomson Reuters Foundation: Training on Reporting Crises and Disasters #198: Environmental Human Rights:A Present and Future Challenge for Youth Work Training #197: UNEP Awards #196: Human Rights Watch Fellowships #195: CAS Sofia Fellowships #194: UNAOC - GDF Essay Contest #193: British Medical Association Fund #192: Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships #191: WYMD Essay Contes #190: WFI Fellowships #189: UN Citizen Ambassadors Video Contest #188: Humboldt-International Climate Protection Fellowships #187: OSI Fellowships #186: NEC Fellowships #185: Global Fund for Women #184: UNPFII - Trust Fund #183: INET Research Grant #182: TIES Innovation Awards #181: David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowships #180: Ginetta Sagan Fund-Amnesty International USA #179: JWF Fund #178: AFPF Fellowships #177: Ashden Awards #176: ARI-NUS Fellowships #175: EC Grant: Investing in People - Children - Fighting Child Labour #174: Tom Watson Brown Book Award #173: Yayori Awards #172: CRS-International Development Fellows Program #171: Synergos Senior Fellows #170: Lorenzo Natali Prize #169: International Drug Abuse Research Training Fellowships #168: UNFCCC Fellowships #167: EC Call for proposals on EIDHR - Support to Human Rights Defenders #166: ILO-Decent Work Research Prize #165: International Humanist and Ethical Union Grants #164: Funding for Global Programs to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence #163: WHO-IARC Fellowships #162: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-Access to Learning Award #161: Guardian International Development Achievement Award #160: NHC Fellows #159: WorldNomads -Travel Scholarships #158: MIF Fellowships #157: AVAC Fellowships #156: ECO Fellowships #155: CIMO Fellowships #154: EURIAS Fellowships #153: UNESCO-APEID Wenhui Award #152: UNESCO/Poland Fellowships #151: Environmental Policy Program (EPP) Training #150: The Wilson Center Fellowships #149: Dutch Government’s human rights award #148: CCLP-Global Education Awards #147: Peace and Justice Studies Association Awards #146: Stockholm Challenge Awards #145: CIPE-Youth Essay Contest #144: UNDP-Photo contest #143: UNESCO Call for Proposal: The Power of Peace Network #142: World Bank-Robert S. McNamara (RSM) Fellowships #141: SAR-Campbell Fellowships #140: Conference on "Women2Women America" #139: Ford Fellowship #138: Free the Slaves-Freedom Awards #137: EcoHealth Awards #136: Kurt Schork Awards #135: QATAR - World Innovation Summit for Education Awards #134: The Secretary’s Innovation Award #133: AusAID Human Rights Grants #132: USIP-JR Senior Fellowship #131: USIP-Annual Grant Competition #130: DFID-Development Innovation Fund #129: Freedom to Create Prize #128: Freedom to Create Grants #127: Conservation International Indigenous Leaders Conservation Fellowship #126: UN.GIFT: Business Leaders Award #125: HIV Young Leaders Fund #124: International Youth Conference on Biodiversity #123: Mario Savio Award #122: AGFUND International Prize #121: Funding to Strengthen Evidence-based Decision Making, Conduct Assessments, and Conduct Research Relevant to PRM-Funded Humanitarian Programs Worldwide #120: World Summit Youth Award #119: UNESCO International Literacy Prize #118: International Pfeffer and MLK Peace Prizes #117: UNHCR - Nansen Refugee Award #116: World Habitat Awards #115: Humphrey Fellowship #114: Asia-Pacific Child Rights Award #113: NSF-Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Fund #112: Oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy #111: Oikos UNDP Young Scholars Development Academy #110: UNESCO-L\'OREAL Fellowships #109: Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative #108: SEVEN Fund Call for Proposal #107: Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize #106: World Food Prize #105: Call for a Speaker Role at the Interactive Hearings of the General Assembly for Civil Society #104: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) Grant #103: Ramsar Convention\'s Small Grants Fund #102: Essay competition Health systems research #101: World of Children Awards #100: Positive Action for Children Fund -- |