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--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2010-06-01 09:02:43
--  挪威奖学金

SIU Scholarships
The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) is an administrative agency under the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research (KD), with its own Board of Directors. SIU is located in Norway\'s second largest city, Bergen.

SIU is a knowledge- and service organisation with the mission of promoting and facilitating cooperation, standardisation, mobility, and the overcoming of cultural barriers to communication and exchange within the realm of higher education on an international level.
The goal of the Quota Scheme is to give students from developing countries in the South, Central- and East-Europe and Central-Asia, relevant education that would also benefit their home countries when they return after graduation.

The programme also contributes to strengthen Norwegian institutions of higher education\'s participation in global knowledge cooperation.

The Norwegian government provides scholarships for students from developing countries in the South and countries of Central- and East-Europe and Central-Asia under the Quota Scheme. The overall objective of the Quota Scheme is to promote the internationalisation of higher education.