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--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2010-06-02 23:07:50
--  荷兰奖学金


Master/ Ph.D Scholarships at University of Groningen


The University of Groningen was awarded both the Diploma Supplement label and the ECTS


label as the first and only higher education institution in the Netherlands.


The labels are a ‘certification’ awarded by the European Commission to those institutions


 that have properly implemented these two aspects of the Bologna agenda.


The introduction of the Bologna system in higher education in Europe comprises various aspects.

Issuing a Diploma Supplement and properly applying the ECTS system, including the relevant

documents, are services offered to the student, plus they make an international comparison

of education systems and certificates possible.


The grant is usually awarded for a maximum of 2 years for a Master’s degree programme, and a maximum of 4 years for a PhD. For PhD, part of the research should be conducted in the home

country and part in Groningen .





Scholarships, Grant, Award, Conference, Training, Volunteers, International jobs and


 Cambodia jobs are available in http://Cambodiajobs.blogspot.com


[此贴子已经被作者于2010-06-02 23:49:10编辑过]