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-- ×÷Õߣºadmin -- ·¢²¼Ê±¼ä£º2010-06-02 23:26:16 -- ÃÀ¹úWilson½±Ñ§½ð The Wilson Center Fellowships The Center awards approximately 20-25 residential fellowships annually to individuals with outstanding project proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues. Topics and scholarship should relate to key public policy challenges or provide the historical and/or cultural framework to illuminate policy issues of contemporary importance. Citizens or permanent residents from any country (foreign nationals must be able to hold a valid passport and obtain a J1 Visa). Men and women with outstanding capabilities and experience from a wide variety of -backgrounds (including government, the corporate world, professions, and academia) Readmore: http://cambodiajobs.blogspot.com/2008/08/fellowships-at-wilson-center.html Peace and Justice Studies Association Awards Each year the Peace and Justice Studies Association presents various awards to teachers, scholars, activists, and distinguished peace and justice proponents by recognizing their service, accomplishments, and excellence at a ceremony held during the PJSA conference, Saturday night at the Banquet. The distinguished peacemakers are recognized and given the opportunity to present a message of challenge and hope. PJSA relies on the input from members of the peace and justice community to nominate individuals for these awards. There are people out there doing outstanding work - this is your chance to see that they are recognized for their efforts. Readmore: http://cambodiajobs.blogspot.com/2010/05/peace-and-justice-studies-association.html CCLP-Global Education Awards The International Council of CCLP Worldwide is pleased to announce the second year of awards program whose purpose is to recognize the contribution of individuals and organizations and others as initiators in advancing education for better livelihood. Award Criteria: Awards shall be given in recognition of concept, organizational effort and dedication towards promoting and advancing the work of education for better livelihood. Eligible Recipients: Up to three global awards will be given annually¡ªone for each of the following categories of contributors to education for Livelihood: 1. Individual. 2. degree-granting social work education programs. 3. national and international organizations Readmore: http://cambodiajobs.blogspot.com/2010/05/cclp-global-education-awards.html Dutch Government¡¯s human rights award The Dutch Government¡¯s human rights award, the Human Rights Defenders Tulip has since 2008 been presented to an individual who has shown exceptional courage in protecting and promoting the rights of fellow human beings. The winner receives a bronze statuette and a cash award of €10,000. In addition, the winner may submit a project proposal for up to €100,000 in funding for his or her work as a human rights defender. In addition, the winner is given the opportunity to meet with relevant stakeholders in Europe. Readmore: http://cambodiajobs.blogspot.com/2010/05/dutch-governments-human-rights-award.html [´ËÌù×ÓÒѾ±»×÷ÕßÓÚ2010-06-02 23:26:47±à¼¹ý]