
-  符号学论坛  (http://www.semiotics.net.cn/bbs/index.asp)
--  符号学动态  (http://www.semiotics.net.cn/bbs/list.asp?boardid=21)
----  荷兰奖学金Netherlands Fellowship Programmes  (http://www.semiotics.net.cn/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=21&id=756)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2010-06-05 09:49:41
--  荷兰奖学金Netherlands Fellowship Programmes
Netherlands Fellowship Programmes
The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) are demand-driven fellowship programmes designed to promote capacity building within organizations in 61 developing countries by providing training and education to their mid-career staff members. The NFP is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the development cooperation budget.
Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP)
Fellowships for master’s degree programmes
Fellowships for short courses
Fellowships for PhD studies
Refresher courses