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主题:纽约大学UNU-ISP 奖金

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等级:管理员 帖子:258 积分:11159 威望:0 精华:7 注册:2003-12-30 16:34:32
纽约大学UNU-ISP 奖金  发帖心情 Post By:2010-06-02 23:39:12 [只看该作者]

UNU-ISP takes an innovative, integrated approach to sustainability — one that encompasses global change, development, peace and security. The Institute bridges these cross-cutting issues through research, educational, and collaborative initiatives with the aim of solving current problems and anticipating future challenges.

The UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace is in discussions with top universities across the globe regarding the initiation of joint graduate degree programmes. UNU-ISP will undertake graduate degree programmes leading to the granting of master’s and doctorate degrees on themes relevant to UNU-ISP’s focus on sustainability and peace.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-06-02 23:40:08编辑过]
