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主题:教育硕士奖金: Erasmus Mundus - Mundusfor Scholarships

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教育硕士奖金: Erasmus Mundus - Mundusfor Scholarships  发帖心情 Post By:2010-08-23 21:46:42 [只看该作者]

Erasmus Mundus - Mundusfor Scholarships
Application will be between June 15, 2010 until September 1, 2010
Mundusfor will provide the tools and competencies necessary for the education of professionals involved with teaching in educational institutions, in enterprises, and in community development agencies and associations.

The Master Degree intends to provide the acquisition of several competencies that will enable the student to: reflect over education and its diverse dimensions in Europe and in the world; have an attitude toward research aimed at the improvement of professional practice; manage and lead educational services and programmes; design, implement and evaluate intervention strategies in the education of professional educators; be a proficient mentor in consultancy in different areas of education of professionals.
