* Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t Münster (WWU), Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), Münster, Germany.
* Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Castellón, Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos (LSI), Castellón, Spain.
* Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gest?o de Informa??o (ISEGI), Lisboa, Portugal,
* selected within the Erasmus Mundus Programme, project reference: 2007-0064/001 FRAME MUNB123.
Medium of instruction: English
Awarded joint degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Geospatial Technologies
The three-semester Masters program targets holders of Bachelor degrees in application areas of Geographic Information (GI), e.g., environmental planning, regional planning, geography, logistics, transportation, marketing, energy provision, computer science. GI is a rapidly growing market, lacking qualified GI personnel and offering excellent career chances.