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第27次午餐学术沙龙预报——社交媒体引发社会变革:变革性的微力量(更正后重发)  发帖心情 Post By:2011-05-18 20:53:40 [只看该作者]



The 27th Salon, May 20,Workshop: Social Media for Social Change: A Transformative Micro-Power
    社交媒体的出现正迅速改变人类的交往与交际。全世界数以千万计的人有很大一部分时间都生活中社交媒体中,如交友网站,微博,校友网等。这一趋势正好说明互联网从本质上来看是由人际交往所驱动。与此同时,一些研究人员认为社交媒体正重新链接我们的社交DNA,使得人们习惯于一个更加开放的社会。在美国,社交媒体的各个方面都引起了研究者的极大兴趣,包括自我透露, 网上友情,网上寻偶和市场运销策略。另外一些研究集中在人们为什么会热衷于使用社交媒体,他们如何在社交媒体中展现自己,社交媒体使用如何影响人们的社交关系等。2011年5月20日星期五,中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所世界传媒研究中心特邀美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学传播学院研究生教学和科研副主任Marie Hardin副教授,Bu Zhong(钟布)博士,及著名新闻记者Jerry Kammer先生(获2006年美国普利策奖,罗伯特肯尼迪奖,及哈佛大学1993-1994尼曼学人)共同做客第27次“午餐学术沙龙”,通过工作坊的形式,从以下几个方面探讨社会媒体对人们的影响:人类认知,思考模式,新闻媒体与记者,欢迎有兴趣的听众光临(英语讲座,地图附后)。

Social Media for Social Change: A Transformative Micro-Power
    The advent of social media is rapidly changing human interaction. Millions of people worldwide are living much of their lives on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The trend exemplifies that the Internet, by its very nature, is powered by human interaction. Meanwhile, some researchers believe that social media are rewiring our social DNA, making us more accustomed to openness. In the United States, various aspects of social media have been studied, including self-disclosure, online friendship, online dating and marketing strategies. Other studies investigated why people use social media, how they present themselves on social media and how social media use affects social relationships. The panelists for this workshop will specifically address the impact of social media on the following topics: human cognition, elaborative thinking, news media and journalists.
【工作坊主讲人介绍】        Marie Hardin博士,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学传播学院研究生院研究生教学与科研副主任,新闻系副主任,新闻学副教授,她的研究关注与多样性,伦理和专业实践相关。
    钟布博士,美国美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学传播学院助理教授,John Curley中心运动新闻学资深研究员。此前曾任《中国日报》(北京)以及美国CNN记者。
    普利策奖获得者Mr. Jerry Kammer,历任美国Navajo Times, The Arizona Republic, the Washington bureau of Copley News Service等媒体调查性新闻报道记者,华盛顿特区智库、移民研究中心高级研究员,曾获2006年美国普利策奖,罗伯特肯尼迪奖,及哈佛大学1993-1994尼曼学人。根据他的著作《第二次长征》改编的电影获得1986年奥斯卡最佳纪录长片。

【Introduction for Guest Speakers of the Workshop】
    Dr. Marie Hardin, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, College of Communications, Penn State
    Marie Hardin is associate professor of journalism and associate dean for graduate studies and research in the College of Communications at Penn State. She has been at Penn State since 2003; she has served as associate department head (Journalism) and as associate dean for administration in the College.
    She has taught a range of undergraduate and graduate classes, from skills courses such as reporting and editing to conceptual courses focusing on ethical and professional issues in journalism. Hardin also directs research or activities for two centers in the College: the John Curley Center for Sports Journalism and the Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication.
    Hardin’s research concentrates on diversity, ethics and professional practices in mediated sports, including in the realm of social media. Her work has been published in a number of sports and communication journals and in books. Hardin received her Ph.D. in 1998 from the University of Georgia.
    Before completing her Ph.D., she worked as a newspaper reporter and editor; she has also worked as a freelance magazine writer, newsroom consultant and contract public relations writer.
    Dr. Bu Zhong, assistant professor, College of Communications, Penn State
    Bu Zhong is an assistant professor and senior research fellow of the John Curley Center for Sports Journalism at the College of Communications, Penn State.
    His research concentrates on decision making in media use, media ethics and psychological effects of information consumption, including news, sports and social media. Most of his research projects address decision making by constructing axiomatic models that describe media effects at work in particular circumstances or cultures that prescribe appropriate actions. Special attention has been paid to analyzing the interactions between consumption of news and sports information and people's political, ethical views and psychological well-being.
    His research has been published in Journal of Communication, Computers in Human Behavior, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, Newspaper Research Journal, American Behavioral Scientist and International Journal of Sports Communication.
    Before he joined the Penn State faculty, he had been a journalist for over a decade at China Daily in Beijing, CNN Bureau in Washington D.C. and CNN World Center in Atlanta.
    Mr. Jerry Kammer, Pulitzer laureate 
    Jerry Kammer is a native of the city of Baltimore and a graduate of the University of Notre Dame. He got his first journalism job in 1974 with the Navajo Times, a newspaper owned by the Navajo Indians in the state of Arizona. He is the author of a book about a bitter land dispute between the Navajos and the neighboring Hopi Indians, which the U.S. Congress sought to resolve with a controversial program to relocate Navajos from the disputed land. Kammer’s book, The Second Long Walk, became the basis for a film that in 1986 won the Academy Award as the best feature documentary. In that same year he became Northern Mexico correspondent for The Arizona Republic. In 1988 he joined the paper's investigative team, where he worked four years on exposing and covering a national political and financial scandal involving a powerful Arizona financier. The financier had used his close ties with members of Congress to intimidate the government officials who regulated his federally-insured financial institution, Lincoln Savings.
    In 2000, Kammer became the Republic's correspondent in Washington. D.C. Two years later, he joined the Washington bureau of Copley News Service, specializing in immigration and U.S.-Mexico relations. In 2005 and 2006 he reported on a scandal whose central figure was Congressman Rep. Randy Cunningham of California. In 2006, Kammer received a Pulitzer Prize for his work on the Cunningham story. He received the Robert F. Kennedy Award for his reporting in Mexico. His work on the Arizona financer was honored with awards for investigative reporting and financial reporting. In 1993-1994, he was a Nieman journalism Fellow at Harvard University.

【Schedule for the workshop】

11:30,Welcome, free lunchbox
11:45,“Tapping the Gong” opening ceremony for Salon,
       the director for CWMS_CASS introduce the guests.
12:00,Speeches by Professor Marie Hardin,
       Zhongbu, and Mr. Jerry Kammer
12:40,Discussion and Questions
13:30,the END of salon, will be longer or shorter, it depends.

【F-A-Q for the Salon】
Time: May 20, 2011;11:30—13:30
Where are we:Room 1016, Floor 10, Taida Times Square, Chaoyang district, Beijing,China
How to come: take the No. 10 subway, Jin Tai Xi Zhao station, exit “C” (Sourtheast exit), then walk for 700 meters around (Please check the attached map below). Or you can take bus 640、639、502 stop at“GuangHuaZhongLu”Station;or bus 9、729、115、306 at “XiaoZhuangLuKouBei”station; or bus 101、118、112、718、846 at “XiZhuangLuKouDong” Station,please check the map below, any questions, pls call us.
We can be reached:010-65980605 (office)
Special notice:PLEASE send us an email right before May 19 (Thursday) so that we can leave chairs and prepare lunchbox (free) for you, And if you didn’t wish to receive our email, also please leave us a message to:cassgmrc@gmail.com, we will move your email address out of the email list, thanks!

PS:  新闻所的同事请注意,这次沙龙因为考虑到外国教授的行程,提前沟通后,无法安排在周二,只能在周五有时间,特此通知并致歉意!


