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悉尼大学奖学金  发帖心情 Post By:2010-06-02 23:40:54 [只看该作者]

University of Sydney World Scholars
Up to 20 new full tuition fee PhD scholarships are offered per annum for commencing international students. Scholarships cover the full cost of tuition fees for three years. A travel contribution of up to AUD $1,250 each way will also be provided to scholarship holders.

The World Scholars program is for commencing international students from participating countries, undertaking a PhD in any discipline. The application process is highly competitive with scholarships awarded on the basis of research potential and academic merit. Scholarship holders should demonstrate, in their PhD application, an outstanding academic track record and capacity to engage in innovative and world class research.

Each year, the University will invite applications from selected participating countries. For the 2010 intake, these include certain countries in East Asia, Latin America and Western Europe, as well as India, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-06-02 23:41:06编辑过]
