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主题:根特大学博士生奖金: PhD Research Fund at Ghent University

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根特大学博士生奖金: PhD Research Fund at Ghent University  发帖心情 Post By:2010-08-10 21:00:05 [只看该作者]

PhD Research Fund at Ghent University
Ghent University, abbreviated to UGent, is one of the major universities in the Dutch-speaking region of Europe. It distinguishes itself as a socially committed and pluralistic university in a broad international perspective.
Ghent University supports students who want to take a doctorate under joint supervision of Ghent University and a non-Flemish partner university or institution for higher education. No restrictions are imposed on the field of research, nor on the age of the applicant.
The PhD-student has to stay minimum 6 months and maximum 24 months at Ghent University. The stay may be divided into several periods within the span of 4 years.
