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主题:欧亚“莲花”奖学金: Erasmus Mundus - Lotus Scholarships

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欧亚“莲花”奖学金: Erasmus Mundus - Lotus Scholarships  发帖心情 Post By:2010-08-20 20:51:29 [只看该作者]

Erasmus Mundus - Lotus Scholarships
Applications are now open till 30 September 2010
Lotus is an Erasmus Mundus Action Two Partnership (EMA2) of European and Asian Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Associations aiming at fostering mutual enrichment and better understanding between the EU and Asia, through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education level and to co-operate in the following program activities:
    * Mobility of undergraduate and graduate students
    * Mobility of PhD students
    * Post-doc mobility
    * Academic and administrative staff mobility
The European Commission has launched this initiative to foster cooperation between higher education institutions. It aims to boost exchanges of students, researchers and academic staff and to support mobility, in particular from non-EU countries to EU member states. The European Commission launches call for proposals for different regions in the world and then funds partnerships between universities to implement the exchanges. Students, researchers and staff from the area can apply to the selected consortium for scholarships.
