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作者:网络  来源:网络  浏览量:984    2017-11-12 20:59:41



    201896-7日,主题为新闻、媒介与监视Journalism, Media and Democracy)的国际学术研讨会将在新西兰奥克兰理工大学(Auckland University of Technology)举行。




Journalism, Media and Democracy (JMAD) Conference Call for Papers:

Journalism, Media and Surveillance

September 6–7, 2018

Auckland University of Technology

Keynote Speakers:

Carole Cadwalladr (Guardian ICT writer)

Professor Mark Andrejevic (Surveillance studies researcher)

Nicky Hager (Investigative journalist)

        The Internet and social media create new opportunities for surveillance. Governments, military organisations, intelligence agencies, corporations, market researchers, and advertisers have the capacity to erase privacy and reshape the conditions of human autonomy. Mass media representations can, potentially, legitimise or delegitimise contemporary surveillance practices. These developments threaten journalistic practice just as they create new opportunities for counter-surveilling institutions of power. How then, should we understand the interrelationships which conjoin journalism, media and surveillance? Conference participants will, we hope, respond to this general question. Here, the following themes suggest themselves.

*Theorising surveillance*


·Michel Foucault

·Orwellian critiques

·Neutral and critical approaches

*Social media and commercial surveillance*

·Consumer profiling (Google)

·Third party surveillance (Facebook)

·Prosumers ‘free labour’

·New advertising strategies

*Surveillance and journalistic practice*

·Source protection


·Surveilling war reporters

·Surveilling investigative reporters

*Surveillance and privacy*

·Privacy principles

·Privacy and legal rights

·Techno-legal gaps

·Surveillance and citizenship

*Media representations of surveillance*

·Reality TV e.g. Big Brother

·Surveillance in films

·News and surveillance issues

·Surveillance in TV crime shows

*Counter-surveillance and journalism*


·Panama Papers

·Whistle blowers and ethics

·Leaks, law and policing

*Big data*

·Data storage

·Data mining


·Algorithmic strategies


*Surveillance after Snowden*

·NSA programmes e.g. XKeyScore

·Five eyes and journalism

·Post-Snowden news frames

·Intelligence agency spin doctoring**

*Surveillance and political activism*

·Geopolitical cyber wars


·Policing protest movements


*Gender and surveillance*

·Online sexual harassment

·Male gaze and surveillance

·Profiling gender/sexual subjectivities

·Feminism and surveillance studies

*Surveillance and gaming*

·Military, gaming overlays

·Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs)

·Game designs and marketing strategies

·MMOG and algorithmic surveillance
*Media and surveillance after 9-11*

·Terrorism discourse and surveillance

·Surveillance profiling, media stereotypes

·‘Islamophobia’ and surveillance

·Surveillance, fear and the other

Abstracts due: May 31st, 2018 (400 words maximum)

Send to: 
jmad@aut.ac.nz / wayne.hope@aut.ac.nzverica.rupar@aut.ac.nz

Conference enrolment details TBA

For more information regarding JMAD, visit the JMAD website: 
http://bit.ly/29fY4SRor on Facebook: http://bit.ly/29oyIkM

