Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) Fellowships aim to develop leadership, address priority regional development issues, and build partnerships and linkages between Australian organisations and partner organisations in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East.
The ALA Fellowships program engages with a wide cross-section of the Australian community on aid delivery issues and priorities for development. Through ALA Fellowships, Australian organisations have the opportunity to build and strengthen links with organisations in developing countries by offering professional development opportunities in Australia.
The goal of the ALA Fellowships program is to develop appropriately trained current and aspiring leaders in priority areas, who, in the short to medium term, will be in a position to advance key regional policy objectives and increase institutional capacity of partner countries. ALA Fellowships are designed to complement individual bilateral country programs by offering flexible fellowship placements which address current and emerging needs at the country, sub-regional and regional levels.