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Ö÷Ì⣺¿Æ¡Éç¿Æ½±: GK SOCLIFE - Scholarships

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¿Æ¡Éç¿Æ½±: GK SOCLIFE - Scholarships  ·¢ÌûÐÄÇé Post By£º2011-03-28 22:06:00 [Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß]

GK SOCLIFE - Scholarships

SOCLIFE is an interdisciplinary Research Training Group at the University of Cologne which offers, beside other things, a structured doctoral program at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences. It is sponsored as a prestigious Research Training Group by the German Research Foundation. Recently, the SOCLIFE board consists of 14 active professors from the faculty. They not only have the task of advising and deciding on SOCLIFE activities, but also of supervising SOCLIFE PhD students.

The Research Training Group SOCLIFE regularly offers scholarships for prospective doctoral students in the social and economic sciences. It is sponsored as a prestigious ¡°Graduiertenkolleg¡± (Research Training Group) by the German Research Foundation. Selected students will be funded with a scholarship of €1,103 per month for 3 years and provided with travel grants for the visiting of conferences, summer schools etc.
