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午餐学术沙龙:“《中国互联网状况》白皮书”学术工作坊  发帖心情 Post By:2010-06-27 11:32:08 [只看该作者]

中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所“世界传媒研究中心” 第14次午餐学术沙龙预报 “《中国互联网状况》白皮书”学术工作坊 互联网是人类智慧的结晶,20世纪的重大科技发明,当代先进生产力的重要标志。互联网深刻影响着世界经济、政治、文化和社会的发展,促进了社会生产生活和信息传播的变革。中国政府充分认识到互联网对于加快国民经济发展、推动科学技术进步和加速社会服务信息化进程的不可替代作用,高度重视并积极促进互联网的发展与运用。2010年6月8日,中国国务院新闻办公室发布了《中国互联网状况》白皮书,旨在介绍中国互联网发展的基本情况,说明中国政府关于互联网的基本政策以及对相关问题的基本观点,帮助公众和国际社会全面了解中国互联网发展与管理的真实状况。 中国互联网白皮书的发布,引发了国际、国内广泛的报道,相关的讨论也很多。2010年6月29日,中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所“世界传媒研究中心”很荣幸邀请到美国宾夕法尼亚大学安那博格传播学院(Annenberg School for Communication,University of Pennsylvania)国际传播研究中心主任,著名的国际法、国际政治传播学者Monroe Price教授做客“午餐学术沙龙”,主持一场有关中国互联网白皮书的学术工作坊(workshop),届时,还有来自其他国家和地区以及国内大学的学者与会,进行热烈的学术讨论,欢迎所有有兴趣的朋友参加,主办方为来宾准备免费快餐一份。(英语讲座,地图附后) White Paper The Internet in China Workshop A crystallization of human wisdom, the Internet is a significant technological invention of the 20th century and a major symbol of contemporary advanced productive force. The Internet has brought about profound impacts on the world economy, politics, culture and social progress, and promoted the transformation of social production, daily life and information dissemination. The Chinese government fully understands the Internet's irreplaceable role in accelerating the development of the national economy, pushing forward scientific and technological advancement, and expediting the informational transformation of social services, and places emphasis on and actively supports Internet development and application. In June 8, 2010, the Chinese Information Office of the State Council issued the White Paper The Internet in China. This white paper introduces the facts of the Internet situation in China, and elaborates on China's basic policies on the Internet and ba-sic views on relevant issues, thereby providing an overall picture to the Chinese people and the peoples of the rest of the world of the true situation of the Internet in China. The white paper aroused great discussions around the world. June 29, 2010, the Center for World Media Studies, Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CWMS_CASS) is honored to invite Prof. Monroe Price, who are the director for the Center of Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, to be the keynote speaker at the workshop concerning about the white paper, and other distinguished scholars both from abroad and national universities are also invited, everybody who have interests in this topic are invited to join us! (details for the salon and map is attached below) 【主讲人介绍】 Introduction of Prof. Monroe Price Monroe E. Price是美国宾夕法尼亚州大学安那博格传播学院“国际传播研究中心”主任,常年以来活跃在欧洲、非洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲和美国,广泛参与一些相关政策的制定、学术网络的建设、学术研讨活动,乃至主办具体的社会项目。在他的指导下,“中心”致力于苏丹的公共舆论研究,为约旦和泰国提供技术上的帮助,促进包括泰国和索马里兰在内的媒介政策和新信息技术的智能化发展项目。Prof. Price在牛津大学创立比较媒介法律和政策项目,并且仍然是那里的一个研究会员。他担任匈牙利中欧大学媒介与传播研究中心的主席,该中心是由CGCS支持和创建的。CGCS也促进伦敦经济学院Stanhope Center的传播政策研究。 Prof. Price曾在 President’s Task Force进行科技传播政策研究和Sloan Commission从事有线电视传播研究(均在19世纪70年代),后在Carter-Sagalaev Commission从事广播和电视政策研究(19世纪90年代)。他是国际广播研究所(现今的国际传播学会,ICA)的长期会员,且活跃在国际协会的大众传播研究领域,也即国际传播学会。他毕业于耶鲁大学和耶鲁法学院的,曾经在加州大学洛杉矶分校,纽约大学Cardozo法学院学习,并且在康奈尔大学和悉尼大学等其地方做过访问学者。他最近出版的著作包括《媒介与主权:全球化信息革命以及它对国家主权的挑战》(麻省理工学院,2002,已有中译本,门罗·E.普莱斯 Monroe E. Price《媒介与主权:全球信息革命及其对国家权力的挑战》,中国传媒大学出版社2008年。)和《拥有奥林匹克:新中国的传奇故事》(密歇根大学出版社,2008) Monroe E. Price Monroe E. Price is Director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Global Communication Studies (CGCS) at the Annenberg School for Communication. In that role he works with a wide transnational network of regulators, scholars, and practitioners in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia as well as in the United States. Under his direction, the Center is engaged in public opinion research in Sudan, providing technical assistance in Jordan and Thailand, encouraging the intelligent development of media policies and new information technologies in a wide variety of settings including Thailand and Somaliland. Professor Price founded the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Oxford University and remains a Research Fellow there. He chairs the Center for Media and Communications Studies at Central European University, a project instituted and encouraged by CGCS. CGCS also fosters the Stanhope Center for Communications Policy Research, located at the London School of Economics. Professor Price has served on the President’s Task Force on Telecommunications Policy and the Sloan Commission on Cable Communications (both in the 1970s) and on the Carter-Sagalaev Commission on Radio and Television Policy (in the 1990s). He was a long-time member of the International Broadcasting Institute (now the International Communications Institute) and is active in the International Association of Mass Communications Research as well as the International Communications Association. A graduate of Yale College and Yale Law School, he has been on the faculty of UCLA, the Cardozo School of Law in New York City, and has visited at Cornell and the University of Sydney among other places. His recent books include “Media and Sovereignty: The Global Information Revolution and its Challenge to State Power” (MIT, 2002) and “Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the New China” (University of Michigan Press, 2008, edited with Daniel Dayan). 【工作坊流程】Schedule of the workshop 11:30,来宾到场,领取免费快餐就座, Welcome, free lunchbox 11:45,第14次沙龙开讲仪式,中心主任向与会者介绍嘉宾,并简要介绍白皮书发布以来国际国内的相关报道,来宾边吃饭边听 “Tapping the Gong” opening ceremony for Salon, the director for CWMS_CASS introduce the guests, and brief introduction on international reports on the China internet whitepaper. 12:00,Monroe Price演讲, Speeches by Prof. Monroe Price 12:40,其他与会嘉宾发言,大会讨论, Speeches by other guests, discussions 13:30,沙龙结束(视情况会适当延长或缩短), the END of salon, will be longer or shorter, it depends. 【沙龙安排】 F-A-Q 沙龙时间:2010年6月29日,周二,11:30——13:30 Time: June 29, 2010; 地点:北京市东城区先晓胡同10号,原中国新闻出版署信息中心,现中国社科院新闻与传播研究所临时办公室,四楼会议室。 Place: Xian’xiao Hutong 10, Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, meeting room at the 4th floor, 交通:地铁建国门站A口出来,约步行15分钟,到华润大厦对面,中国新闻出版署信息中心,四楼会议室。具体路线请参考附件简图。 Transportation: take the No. 1 or 2 subway, Jian’guo’men station, exit “A” (Northwest exit), then walk for 15 minutes around, pls check the map below, any questions, pls call us. 电话:65238309(办公室) Phone: 65238309 (office of the CWMS-CASS) 【备注】除新闻所研究和工作人员外,决定来参加沙龙的新闻所外听众和新闻所研究生,请提前一天,即最迟在6月28日(周一)前发邮件到此邮箱,我们将根据到来的人数提前为您准备免费盒饭一份。本所有茶水和咖啡提供。 提醒:若不希望收到此邮件,也请来信注明,谢谢! -- 中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所 “世界传媒研究中心”介绍 2004年9月,中国社科院人事局批复在新闻与传播研究所成立,由明安香任首任主任,现任主任姜飞博士。 中心宗旨:联络全国新闻界、宣传部门、对外文化交流部门专家、学者和实际工作者探讨世界传媒发展的理论与实践,开展学术交流,为加强我国新闻传播在全球新闻舆论格局中的地位和作用,繁荣与发展社会主义新闻事业作出贡献。 业务范围:考察世界经济和文化全球化发展大背景下,西方传媒在世界新闻、舆论格局中的地位、作用和运作机制;我国传媒在这一格局中的地位、作用和应对策略等。其中包括跟踪研究世界传媒特别是主要发达、发展中国家各种传媒的新闻报道、舆论动向;考察、访问国外主要传媒,关注其主要发展现状、变化趋势,建立和发展世界传媒动态数据库;邀请国际主要传媒工作者和研究者来华访问;组织关于世界传媒动向、新闻报道状况的主题报告会、研讨会、座谈会;为国内各级政府相关部门和新闻媒体提供决策咨询和专业咨询等。 联系电话:86-10-65238309 电子邮件:cassgmrc@gmail.com The Introduction to the Center for World Media Studies The Center for World Media Studies (CWMS) was established by the Institute of Journalism and Communication and authorized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) in September of 2004. The first director of the Center is Professor Ming Anxiang, now the director is Dr. JIANG Fei. The major ideas of the center is to get close contact with journalists, mass media and communication institutes around China to discuss together on the theory and practice of world media’s development and exchange academic points of view. The center applies itself to improve and enforce more and more the role of China’s mass media and mass communication in the present world communication pattern. The major activities of the center include: studying the roles and the operation systems of the developed countries’ media in the present global structure of news flows and communication; the roles, functions and related policies of China’s mass media in the global structure. To do this to the Center will develop a globally oriented research agenda in accordance with recent trends in the field of international news flows and world public opinion. Emphasis will be placed on looking those important developed and undeveloped countries; visit the important media companies abroad to see their present situation, various trends and establish the database of major media in the world; invite the world famous journalists and research fellows to visit China; sponsor various presentations, seminars and conferences about the world media and communication; provide consultation to the government departments, media organizations and enterprises. Phone:86-10-65238309 Fax:86-10-65022868 Email:cassgmrc@gmail.com
