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日本奖学金  发帖心情 Post By:2010-06-16 22:48:51 [只看该作者]

MIF Fellowships

The Matsumae International Foundation (MIF ) is a nongovernmental organization. Its Fund is solely based on donations from many Japanese people who have responded with goodwill to Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae's call. While many donations have been kindly offered by enterprises and groups, most of the donors are individuals who are sympathetic with the Founder's ideals, and maintain contributions to the Fund from their limited incomes. Successful applicants are urged to seriously consider and understand the goodwill of those persons, and ensure that the provided fellowships are utilized effectively.

Applicants of non-Japanese nationality who meet all of the following eligibility requirements are invited to submit the required application documents. The number of fellowships given is about 20.
