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等级:管理员 帖子:258 积分:11159 威望:0 精华:7 注册:2003-12-30 16:34:32
国家人文中心奖金  发帖心情 Post By:2010-06-16 22:48:09 [只看该作者]

NHC Fellows
Research Triangle Park, N.C. The National Humanities Center announces the appointment of 36 Fellows for the academic year 2010-11. These leading scholars will come to the Center from the faculties of 19 colleges and universities in 17 states and from 7 institutions in 6 other nations—Brazil, Canada, Germany, Greece, Portugal, and The United Kingdom.
Chosen from 442 applicants, they represent more than 20 fields of humanistic scholarship, including history, literature, philosophy, anthropology, art history, Asian studies, classics, Islamic studies, Judaic studies, and musicology. Each Fellow will work on an individual research project and will have the opportunity to share ideas in seminars, lectures, and conferences at the Center.
#160: NHC Fellows
#159: WorldNomads -Travel Scholarships
#158: MIF Fellowships
#157: AVAC Fellowships
#156: ECO Fellowships
#155: CIMO Fellowships
#154: EURIAS Fellowships#153: UNESCO-APEID Wenhui Award
#152: UNESCO/Poland Fellowships
#151: Environmental Policy Program (EPP) Training
#150: The Wilson Center Fellowships

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等级:新手上路 帖子:19 积分:160 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2016-06-26 13:30:11
  发帖心情 Post By:2016-06-28 09:20:26 [只看该作者]


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