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作者:  浏览量:14807    2015-07-20 14:54:10
Chinese Semiotic Studies Call for Papers Publisher: De Gruyter Mouton ISSN 2198-9605, e-ISSN 2198-9613 Website: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/css E-mail for submission: cssnnu@163.com; njnubrandon@126.com Dear colleague, It has been 6 years since Chinese Semiotic Studies (CSS) started the publication of its first issue in 2009. And it is now published by De Gruyter Mouton with 4 issues per year. CSS seeks to promote semiotic studies not only in China but also in the world at large in order to further mutual understanding and communication among semiotic scholars of varying cultural backgrounds. To this end, the journal publishes high quality articles from all branches of semiotics including general, existential, cognitive, cultural, dynamic, social semiotics, and biosemiotics. Also welcome are studies in the sign theories of classic foundational scholars such as Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Sanders Peirce. The content of articles may range from theory building to the application of semiotic theories, from microanalysis to macro studies, and may draw on such fields as linguistics, literary theory, philosophy, aesthetics, communication, media, cognitive sciences and biology. Besides the regular sections for general semiotics, each issue of CSS contains three special thematic sections devoted to: (i) Chinese Cultural Signs and Sign Theories, (ii) Western Cultural Signs and Sign Theories, and (iii) Interactions between Chinese and Western semioticians. Contributions to these specific sections are especially welcome. Our submission e-mail is cssnnu@163.com; njnubrandon@126.com . Best wishes, 《中国符号学研究》征稿启事 出版社:De Gruyter Mouton(德国) 国际刊号:ISSN 2198-9605, e-ISSN 2198-9613 网址:http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/css 投稿邮箱:cssnnu@163.com; njnubrandon@126.com 尊敬的同仁: 在您的关心、支持和帮助下,Chinese Semiotic Studies(《中国符号学研究》)自2009年创刊至今已满6年。在此,我谨代表编辑部,对您给予的关心、支持和帮助,向您致以衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意! 自2014年起,《中国符号学研究》已在德国的德古意特出版社出版,同时,该刊已由半年刊改为季刊。 《中国符号学研究》旨在促进中国乃至全世界的符号学研究,加深不同文化背景下的符号学学者之间的理解和交流,为此,本刊出版论文话题涵盖一般符号学、存在符号学、认知符号学、文化符号学、动态符号学、社会符号学、生物符号学等等。既有对索绪尔符号学理论的研究,也有对皮尔士符号学思想的探讨;既有总体理论框架的构建,又兼顾各个符号学分支的建立;既有理论研究,又不乏理论应用;既从微观角度分析,又有宏观方面的研究;学科跨越语言学、文学、艺术、美学、哲学等。 《中国符号学研究》每期包含三个特别栏目:(1)中国文化符号与符号理论研究;(2)西方文化符号与符号理论研究;(3)中西符号学学者之间的互动。 感谢各位专家、学者继续关注本刊,期待您给本刊赐稿! 投稿邮箱:cssnnu@163.com;njnubrandon@126.com
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