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The Theoretical Basis and Development of the “School of Paris”

作者:Zhang Zhiting  来源:  浏览量:3532    2015-09-06 21:25:07


Abstract: There are two schools of semiotics in France, namely semiology (sémiologie)and the “school of Paris” (sémiotique). This paper attempts to discover the theoretical basis of the school of Paris and the process of its development after the publication of Greimas’s Structural Semantics. To this end, this paper generalises the fundamental theories of this school and their scope of application in the hope of clarifying the differences between the two schools in theory and application. It should be noted that the school of Paris nowadays has become mainstream in French semiotic studies. Hence, understanding the basic ideas of this school will aid the development of Chinese semiotic studies.
Keywords: school of Paris, language, spoken language, system, process
DOI: 10.13760/b.cnki.sam.201502012

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