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作者:网络  来源:网络转摘  浏览量:1788    2011-09-04 00:56:41


3.巴赫金是文化符号学研究最杰出的学者,也是当代符号学世界三大中心国之一----前苏联符号学研究的代表。前苏联符号学方面的主要贡献就是文化符号学,它甚至以“文化”一词来标志其符号学研究方向。顾嘉祖 辛斌《符号与符号学新论》P.454,2006,东南大学出版社出版
4.符号可以是物质的,也可以是非物质的,任何信息,包括意识形态,均可成为符号,符号也可以通过模仿这一复制手段,在人类认知的参与下迅速得到传播.因此,我们可以把谜米学作为符号学的一个分支学科 ,或者说,谜米学就是动态符号学的核心.许多静态符号学无法解释的符号学难题,可以用谜米理论得到较完美的解释.顾嘉祖:“从谜米学的崛起看动态符号学的理论框架” ,《外语学刊》 2008年第1期 
第11届世界符号学大会(The 11th World Congress of Semiotics)将于2012年10月5日---9日在中国南京师范大学举行,经该会筹委会同意,大会开设跨文化符号学(Cross Cultural Semiotics)圆桌会。本圆桌会将征集跨文化符号学领域的稿件.以下为参考课题,为鼓励原创,申报圆桌会的参与者不受参考课题的限制:
1.跨文化符号学的理论框架(The Theoretical Framework of Cross-cultural Semiotics)
2.跨文化交际现象的符号学概述(A Semiotic Survey of the Phenomena in Intercultural Communication) 
3.跨文化交际中文化障碍的符号学原理( The Semiotic Analysis of Cultural Barriers in Intercultural Communication)
4. 跨文化交际广度与深度的符号学分析(An Interpretation of the Depth and Width of Intercultural Communication)
5.价值观转换中的符号功能(The Semiotic Function in Transforming Value Systems )
6.跨文化交际中观念传播的谜米学原理(A Memetic Interpretation for Concept-spreading in Intercultural Communication)
7.跨文化交际成果的的符号学评价标准(The Semiotic Evaluation Standards for the Achievement of Intercultural Communication)8.与符号学相关的跨文化交际其它领域(Other Issues of Intercultural Communication Related to Semiotics)  
电子信箱: charlesg@jlonline.com
The 11th World Congress of Semiotics Call for Papers
Global Semiotics: Bridging Different Civilizations
Time: October 5 – 9, 2012
Location: Nanjing Normal
University, Nanjing, China
Modern semiotic theories can be traced back to four theoretical sources originating in the beginning of the 20th century: Saussurean structural linguistics, Peircean pragmatism, Husserlian phenomenology and analytical philosophy. Since then a variety of semiotic theories in various of fields of European and American human and social sciences have developed in addition to philosophical ways of reasoning. Semiotic theorization is typically interdisciplinary in nature, indicating a pluralization of scientiic thinking about mankind.
After its hundred years of modernization, contemporary semiotics has arrived at another turning point at the beginning of the 21st century: the globalization of semiotics, or cross-cultural semiotic expansion. Cross-cultural semiotics is the natural development and extension of the interdisciplinary humanities of the West in our times. Unlike natural or social sciences, human sciences deal with both horizontal and diachronic phenomena in human history, which means semiotics, as a part of human sciences, is fated to be confronted with the most dificult as well as the most signiicant challenges arising from human conditions.
The 11th World Congress of Semiotics will be the first IASS (International Association for Semiotic Studies) forum in history to be held outside Europe or the Americas. Substantially and symbolically it will provide semiotic scholars from all over the world with a suitable dialogic context for exploring the new orientation of global semiotics. In conjunction with the 11th  IASS Congress, whose program will basically follow the rules and procedures established in the past IASS congresses, there will be also a parallel conference in Nanjing, the 1st Chinese Symposium on Semiotics, which will provide additional opportunities for comparative-semiotic communication.
Regarding the registration and the scientific program please read our announcements and information in our official website (www.semio2012.com). In general, all semiotic topics about nature, society and culture will be accepted, and especially with respect to the following ields: 1) General theory and philosophy; 2) Linguistics and logic; 3) Literature and arts; 4) History, sociology and anthropology; 5) Theories of ilm and video and media; 6) Cognitive and biosemiotic studies. Please send your proposals or abstracts about any of the topics to Dr. Ji Haihong (semio2012@hotmail.com).
The Preparatory Committee of the 11th Congress of Semiotics
Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing China
(Postal address: School of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Nanjing Normal University, No. 122, Ninghai Road,
Nanjing (210097), Jiangsu Province, P. R. China)