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作者:网络  来源:  浏览量:693    2023-03-12 10:44:47



第二届“亚洲明星/名人研究国际研讨会” 本届主题:亚洲明星/名人政治

The Second International Asian Stardom and Celebrity ConferenceConference theme: Diplomacy, Politics, Activism, Ambassadorship: The Politicisation of Celebrity in Asia

2023年11月27-29日27-29 November 2023

清华大学东南亚中心 (印度尼西亚巴厘岛) Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center, Bali (Kura Kura), Indonesia

会议语言:英文Conference language: English

会议召集人:Sean Redmond (Deakin University), Jian Xu (Deakin University), Li Zhang (Tsinghua University)

明星/名人研究 (celebrity studies)作为新兴的跨学科研究领域,近年来得到越来越多文化研究、媒体研究、电影学、艺术学、人类学、历史学、政治学和社会学等学科学者的关注。特别是对亚洲各国以及泛亚洲地区的明星/名人的研究,已经成为亚洲研究和区域研究中越来越受关注的领域。


Indicative Topics include but are not limited to:

The Asian star or celebrity ambassador

Asian Star-celebrity politicians

The politicisation of Asian star and celebrity images/brands/personae

Political resistance and celebrity in Asia

Asian Fan and/or celebrity activism

Celebrity diplomacy and charity in Asia

Gender and political resistance/protest in Asian fandom

Sexuality and biopower through Asian stars and celebrities

Underground celebrity politics

Soft power and Asian stars and celebrities

Mobile and virtual politics: liquid Asian celebrity culture

K-pop fandom and social movements

Celebrity governance in Asia

Asian celebrity citizenship and the pandemic/post-pandemic

Asian Internet-celebrities and politics

Transnational Asian idols and stars as political signs



发表机会:会议最佳论文将被编辑成书,收录在Bloomsbury Academic出版社的“亚洲名人与粉丝研究“(Asian Celebrity and Fandom Studies)系列丛书中,此外,也有可能被提交到SSCI Q1区期刊《名人研究》(Celebrity Studies)的特刊中。

摘要和小组提交的截止日期:2023年5月8日 星期一

