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The Application of Three to Two: A Reflection on Book of Changes and Peirce’s Phaneroscopy

作者:Wang Junhua  来源:  浏览量:2589    2016-03-14 22:45:33

Abstract: Book of Changes, the first of the Chinese classics, remains the most difficult riddle in the world. Due to the masking of its phenomenological connotations, conscious and otherwise, it has long been misinterpreted as a dichotomic philosophy. However, some breakthroughs in recent years have fortunately revealed the original appearance of the canon to some extent. By following C. S. Peirce’s phaneroscopy and citing ancient documents and archaeological discoveries made in China, we now have an opportunity to unlock the secret of Book of Changes: it is the representation of the trinity in ancient Chinese philosophy, irreducible and indecomposable. Restoring the phenomenological truth to Book of Changes will contribute not only to the revaluation of Chinese philosophy, aesthetics, literature, art and Chinese history as a whole, but also to the reconstruction of the paradigm of world philosophy, aesthetics and natural sciences.

Keywords: Book of Changes, Peirce, phaneroscopy, three


DOI: 10.13760/b.cnki.sam.201601007


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