1.(Germany) Bernhard Waldenfels (as the guest opening speaker):Signs and Phenomena. Phenomenological-Semiotic Considerations
2.(France) Jacques Fontanille: The figures of the body and the semiotics of footprint
Oct. 6(10月6日)
3.(Finland) Eero Tarasti: Semiotics as the transcultural metalanguage
4.(Japan) Yoshihiko IKEGAMI: Subject-Object Contrast and Subject-Object Merger in “Thinking for Speaking” — A Typology of Cognitive Processing in Linguistic Encoding and Its Homologues in Pictorial Encoding
5.(Italy) Augusto Ponzio: Marxian Semiotics: a Historical and Theoretical Excursus in the European Sign Sciences
Oct. 7(10月7日)
6.(China) Zhang Jie:Reception and Modification of Russian Semiotics in China
7.(USA) John Deely:How zoosemiosis both permeates and is transcended by anthroposemiosis
8.(Korea) Kim Sungdo: The writing, the body, the universe: semio-anthropological foundations of an extended grammatology
Oct. 8(10月8日)
9.(Canada) Marcel Danesi: Semiotics at a Crossroads: Directions for the Survival of Semiotics as an Autonomous Discipline
(加)M· 丹尼斯:歧路中的符号学:作为一门自主学科的符号学之延存指南
10.(Chinese-American) Youzheng Li: Humanist Ethics and future of semiotics
11.(Venezuela) José Enrique Finol: Semiotics of the body: skin, fashion, and pornography
Oct. 9(10月9日)
12.(India) Seema Khanwalkar: Semiotics in India, the theoretical implications and it current status as a discipline of study
13.(Italy) Susan Petrilli: The Critique of Phonocentricism, European Signatures
14.(France) Anne Hénault: The theoretical problems to which the present state of research in visual semiotics gives rise