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The Temporality of Text: Starting from Roland Barthes’ La préparation du roman

作者:Julia Ponzio  来源:《符号与传媒》第八期  浏览量:1505    2014-03-21 21:29:20

The Temporality of Text:  Starting from Roland Barthes’ La préparation du roman

Julia Ponzio


Abstract: This paper is focused on the last two courses given by Roland Barthes at the Collège de France between 1978 and 1980 on “The Preparation of Novel”. In these courses he outlines a new perspective on the novel as elaborated during the last years of his work. To look at the novel from the point of view of its preparation means to consider it from aperspective that is totally different from that of the literary critic and of traditional analyses of the literary text in general. Traditional text analysis works on the novel as an already written text in which everything has already happened: from this point of view, the novel is a “fact”, a “matter of fact”. As such it is analysed and classified in terms of a historical or structural schema and interpreted in response to the question:  “what does the author mean?,” that is, “which is the true signified of these signifiers which compose the text?”. Barthes's perspective is completely different and opens to the possibility of a new relation to the text, where the core of the problem of the novel is no longer the “Author”, but the subject of writing desire.

Key words: desire, event, finitude, novel, subject






