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作者:符号学论坛  来源:符号学论坛  浏览量:3368    2016-03-14 22:54:14






《符号与传媒》自第八辑双语改版后,已吸引了来自英国、美国、意大利、芬兰、瑞典、新加坡等国的多位国际符号学学者,发表了数十篇英文文章,与国内的符号学学者一道,拓展了中国符号学的交流空间。上辑广义叙述学专辑推出后,我们收到了学界积极的反馈。学者们对当代文化出现的叙述化问题的关注,持续推进着这一讨论。为此,本辑推出了由保罗·科布利(Paul Cobley)和赵毅衡共同主持的符号叙述学专辑,邀请了韩国、俄罗斯以及爱沙尼亚的三位著名符号学者,从不同的文化视野中对自我、身份及其与叙述之关系进行探讨。






Editor’s Note

Revised since the eighth issue, Signs & Media has attracted the attention of semioticians from England, America, Italy, Finland, Sweden and Singapore. With the joint efforts of domestic and international semioticians, dozens of English papers have been published, and the communication space for Chinese semiotics has been expanded. The section entitled ‘General Narratology’ in the last issue received a great deal of positive feedback from scholars with a focus on the narrative concerns of contemporary culture. To deepen this discussion, Paul Cobley and Zhao Yiheng co-host a section entitled ‘Narrative and Semiosis’ in which they invite three semioticians from Korea, Russia and Estonia to respectively study the self, identity and their relationship with narration in different cultures.

In introducing international semiotic theory, we insist on promoting and developing Chinese traditional culture and classical literary theory. In the section ‘Semiotic Studies of Book of Changes’, four semioticians, Zhu Dong, Su Zhi, Wang Junhua and Wang Xiaonong, integrate contemporary and traditional Chinese semiotic thinking to open up a new field for semiotic exploration.

As always, contributors to the sections entitled ‘Semiotics of Communication’ and ‘Theory and Application’ devote themselves to widening the research vision, in this case from pictorial rhetoric to sports text, news narration, the cultural dimension of Chinese discourse and the secularisation of ideology. Advancing side by side, this rethinking of mature disciplines and breaking of ground in emerging fields jointly promote the prosperity and vitality of semiotics and communication.

As listeners and mediators, we keep working to record voices and expand the trajectory of all of these discussions, which is why we provide an annual report on the yearly developments in Chinese semiotics every spring. It is always so exciting to see so many new faces joining our march.


