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孙金燕著《武侠文化符号学》 (A Cultural Semiotic Study of Chinese Wuxia)英文版出版

作者:孙金燕  来源:符号学论坛  浏览量:1240    2022-11-10 16:45:42


A Cultural Semiotic Study of Chinese Wuxia)英文版出版



孙金燕,文学博士,云南民族大学文学与传媒学院副教授。四川大学符号学-传媒学研究所研究员,云南省广告与品牌研究院研究员。出版中英文学术专著 3 部:《武侠文化符号学》《侧面而视:现代经验与反讽美学》《A Cultural Semiotic Study of Chinese Wuxia》,编著 1 部:《萨特:顺乎本性,自在天堂》;发表学术论文 50 余篇,其中 20 余篇发表于 CSSCI 期刊;主持教育部项目 1 项、省级教学项目1 项,获云南省哲学社科奖三等奖 2 项。



韩大伟,毕业于东北师范大学英语语言文学专业,获文学博士学位。海南经贸职业技术学院国际教育学院教授、副院长,兼任海南大学外国语学院硕士生导师。2014年8月至2018年8月,于新西兰奥塔哥大学语言学系公派访问学者,师从世界著名认知语言学家约翰•泰勒(John Taylor)博士;2014年8月至2018年8月,于美国托列多大学孔子学院任中方院长、托列多大学外语系兼职教授。目前出版专著1部,发表学术论文数十篇。




Chapter One

IntroductionThe Semiotics of Wuxia and the Origin of the Twentieth Century Cultural Meta-language1

1.1 Wuxia Signs: The Obscured Fantasy3

1.2 Wuxia Fantasy and the separated Impetus and Restraint sources of Modernized’ Meta-languages(9

1.3 Literature Review(14


Chapter Two

A Hundred Years of Wuxia History: from Novels to Films and Animations21

2.1 Hundred Scholars in Wuxia novels22

2.2 Diversified Competition of Wuxia Films48

2.3 Wuxia Animation and Games: A New Form of Contemporary Wuxia Culture58


Chapter Three

Illusion and Interpretation: Metalanguage Issues in Wuxia Texts74

3.1 The Literature and Art of Wuxia: A Genre of Vortex 75

3.2 Reality, Fiction and Imagination: Semiotic Truth and Illusion of Interpretation of Wuxia Texts94

3.One or the Other Interpretation: The Divided Tastes and Complicated Positions(113


Chapter Four 

Whose Wuxia and What Kind of Myth: An Accompanying Text1 Starting Point(134)

4.1. The Gender Myth in the Paratext of Wuxia Literature and Art 135

4.2. Publishing Mechanism, Reading Ethics and Wuxia ‘Distribution’ Myth 153


Chapter Five 

The Textual Identity of Wuxia and the Author’s Self(169)

5.1 Rise and do Xia’s deed and Sit down and discuss Xia: the Implied Authors of Wuxia Novels in the Twentieth Century(169)

5. 2 Documentary and Seeking Falsehood: the Split Symbolic Self in the Narration of Wuxia(189)

5.3 Revision of Jin Yong’s Wuxia Novels: A Symbolic Self That Is Gradually Shaping(208)


Chapter Six 

Stylistic Evolution Pattern of Wuxia Novels(228)

6.1 Negation of Form: Evolutionary Logic and Consequences of Jianghu Ideology(228)

6.2 Modern Myth: The New Direction of Jianghu Narrative Form(245)

6.3 Marking Reversal and Stylistic Subversion(260)


Chapter Seven

Discussions on the Development of Other Visual Arts of Wuxia(280)

7.1 Chinese Wuxia Films: A Century of Evolution and Its Symbolic Connotation(280)

7.2 Suspended and Misinterpreted: A Semiotic Interpretation of the Lagging Development of China’s Animation Industry(293)

7.3 The Virtual Pleasure of the Game Jianghu: From Recentralization to Intersubjectivity(305)


Chapter Eight

Conclusion: The Current and Future Research of Wuxia Signs(318)

8.1 The Current and Future State of Wuxia Signs(318)

8.2 The sign of Jianghu: research of a re-intervened Jianghu World(323)



Re-read Liu Ruoyu’s“The Chinese Knight-Errant”(331)

Shadow of the Bat:On Wu Yingjun’s“The Matrix of Yin and Yang:the World in Hu Jinquan’s Film”(338)

References of the Book(343)




