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作者:网络  来源:  浏览量:607    2023-10-12 08:40:19




会议主题 :“意义危机”

主题会议提案截止日期: 2023 12 15 日(2023 12 15 日)

        论文摘要截止日期: 2024 1 15 日,请在 2024 1 15 日之前将用英文撰写的一页纸摘要(最多 400 字,不包括标题和参考文献)上传到 EasyChair 网站。科学委员会的两名成员将对摘要进行审查,并在 2024 3 15 日之前发出录用通知。

       如有问题或需要任何进一步信息,请通过IACS5@sol.lu.se 与组委会联系。

 The Fifth Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-5)

August 15-17, 2024, Lund, Sweden

We are happy to host the Fifth Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-5) at Lund University in August 15-17, 2024! This is nearly 10 years after the first conference in the short but productive history of cognitive semiotics, the new discipline which integrates theories and methods from semiotics, linguistics and cognitive science, with the help of phenomenology.

Conference theme: "Crises of Meaning"

Currently we face not only social, political, environmental, and scientific crises but also - and arguably underlying these - crises in how we make sense of ourselves and our world. Husserl diagnosed a general “Crisis of the European Sciences” nearly a century ago, leading us to oscillate between the extremes of positivism and relativism. We witness how this has only deepened, given increasing gulfs between science and the humanities, between technology and spirituality, between “civilizations”, and between conflicting “narratives”, and even “truths". Our plenary speakers (and other speakers, as far as possible) are asked to address some aspect of this meaning crisis from the perspective of their own research. In this way, cognitive semiotics can hopefully make a contribution to the situation in our troubled world!

So far we have the following confirmed Plenary speakers:

Hans-Georg Moeller, University of Macau (https://fah.um.edu.mo/hans-georg-moeller/)

Cornelia Mueller, Europa-Universität Viadrina (https://www.kuwi.europa-uni.de/en/lehrstuhl/sw/sw0/professurinhaberin/index.html)

Jamin Pelkey, Toronto Metropolitan University (https://www.torontomu.ca/llc/people/faculty/jamin-pelkey/)

Komarine Romdenh-Romluc, University of Sheffield (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/philosophy/people/academic-staff/komarine-romdenh-romluc)

Morten Tønnessen, University of Stavanger (https://www.uis.no/en/profile/morten-tonnessen)

 Specific topics include but are not limited to:

Consciousness and semiosis (meaning making)

Perception and representation

Language and other semiotic systems

Developmental and evolutionary aspects of semiosis

Universal and culture-specific of semiosis

Intercultural and interspecies communication

Potentials and dangers of technology

Narratives across media and semiotic systems

Metaphor and metonymy across media and semiotic systems

Polysemiosis and multimodality

Intersemiotic translation and transmediation

Epistemology and truth

Agency and subjectivity

Key dates:

Deadline for theme session proposals: December 15, 20232023 12 15 日)

Deadline for paper abstracts: January 15, 20242024 1 15 日,One page abstracts (at most 400 words, excluding title and references), written in English, should be uploaded to the EasyChair website by January 15, 2024. Abstracts will then be reviewed by two members of the Scientific Committee, and notification of acceptance will be sent by March 15, 2024. In case of problems, or if you need any further information, please contact the organizing committee at IACS5@sol.lu.se.
