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2024 年美国符号学学会年会

作者:网络  来源:  浏览量:294    2024-06-14 11:15:28


The 2024 Semiotics Society of America Annual Conference


The 2024 Semiotics Society of America Annual Conference theme focuses on GeniusLoci, or the “spirit of a place.” This concept, rooted deeply in ancient Roman tradition,refers to the unique, ineffable atmosphere or character of a location, often thought of as its protective spirit or essence. This theme has been selected to highlight and propose remedies for violence and oppression in particular locations within our semiosphere.Scholars are encouraged to suggest measures to protect those who are suffering and oppressed in war-torn regions—changing the essence of the prevailing spirit within these places. Today’s semioticians are drawn to its rich implications in how humans interpret,engage with, and give meaning to specific places. From urban landscapes and sacredsites to virtual spaces in the digital realm, Genius Loci prompts conference participantsto explore the multi-faceted symbols, signs, and narratives that define a place’s identity. In doing so, the conference promises to unravel the intricate interplay between cultural memory, personal experience, and spatial semiotics, deepening our understanding of how places silently communicate and influence human thought and behavior.

2024 年美国符号学学会年会的主题是 GeniusLoci,即 地方的精神。这一概念深深植根于古罗马传统,指的是一个地方独特的、难以言喻的氛围或特征,通常被认为是其保护性精神或本质。从城市景观和圣地到数字领域的虚拟空间,Genius Loci促使与会者探索定义一个地方身份的多层面符号、标志和叙事。在此过程中,会议有望揭开文化记忆、个人经历和空间符号学之间错综复杂的相互作用,加深我们对地方如何悄无声息地交流并影响人类思想和行为的理解。

Description of the Conference

“Genius Loci” is the theme of the 48th Semiotic Society of America (SSA) AnnualConference (October 30–November 3, 2024) hosted by the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. The 2024 SSA Conference will be in-person. The Conference will assemble a unique group of about 200 international interdisciplinary experts on a wide range of disciplines such as anthropology, biology, cognitive science, communication, cybernetics, design, fine arts, law, literary criticism, linguistics, logic, marketing, media studies, mathematics, pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology, and technology.


The conference will take place at the University of Toronto (St. George Campus) fromWednesday October 30 to Sunday November 3, 2024 during the U of T Fall reading week, including a pre-conference event taking place on Wednesday October 30, 2024.

会议将于 2024 年 10 月 30 日(星期三)至 11 月 3 日(星期日)在多伦多大学(圣乔治校区)举行

Dates and Submission Requirements:

Please include the following information in your submission:

1. Author’s name

2. Institutional affiliation

3. Email address

4. Title of submission with a maximum 150-word abstract in English

5. A minimum of four and a maximum of six keywords

Important Dates:

• Abstract Submission (final): June 21, 2024


• Notification of acceptance: August 1, 2024


• Full Paper submission for the Kevelson Award: September 1, 2024


• Registration deadline for presenters: September 1, 2024

发言人注册截止日期:2024年 9月1日

• Draft Program Published: TBD

• Final Program Published: TBD

20-25 minutes will be allotted for each presentation, with time for Q&A in the session. Abstracts for individual paper-presentations or panels and organized sessions (a minimum of 3 papers, maximum of 4 papers) must include all of the above information. Please indicate in your abstract submission: the title of the symposium/theme sessionwithin which you intend to present.


Send submissions to EasyChair at

请将提交的材料发送至 EasyChair:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ssa2024conference by June 21, 2024.

To join the Semiotic Society of America (required to present at the conference) and to register for the SSA 48th Annual Conference, please visit https://www.pdcnet.org/wp/registrations/2024-ssa/, or call Toll-Free: 1-800-444-2419 (US & Canada). We encourage early registration. Notification of acceptance of your abstracts will be sent to you by August 1, 2024.

要加入美国符号学学会(需在大会上发言)并注册参加SSA 第 48 届年会,请访问 https://www.pdcnet.org/wp/registrations/2024-ssa/,或拨打免费电话:1-800-444-2419(美国和加拿大)。我们鼓励尽早注册。我们将在2024 年8月1日前向您发送论文摘要录用通知。

Additional Conference Information

Papers presented at the SSA Conference will be considered for publication in Semiotics 2024, the SSA Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America. The SSA Yearbook is an annual peer reviewed publication series sponsored by the Semiotic Society of America, providing both a timely overview of current developments in semiotic research and a regular outlet for members of the Society to publish papers on their current work. Further details and deadlines will be specified in the Annual Conference Program.

Please note that in accordance with Article 4 Section 4 of the SSA Constitution: Only Individual, Students, and Honorary members in good standing may submit papers to theSSA Yearbook.

Student submissions are eligible for the Roberta Kevelson Award, which will honor the best student paper presented at the 2024 Annual Conference. Students who wish to be considered for the Kevelson Award should indicate their interest at the time of abstract submission. Full paper submissions must be uploaded to EasyChair by September 1, 2024. Questions regarding the Roberta Kevelson Award should be directed to the Review Committee Chair Joseph DeChicchis at dechicchis@alumni.upenn.edu and André De Tienne at adetienn@iupui.edu

Special Events

In addition to scheduled paper sessions, there will also be keynote and plenary speakersto be announced in due time. Please check the SSA website for details.


Reasonable accommodations will be provided by several local hotels in the immediate vicinity of University of Toronto, CA. More details will be forthcoming. Check the SSA website for details.

SSA Membership and Conference Registration Fees

Membership Fees:

• SSA Membership Dues (Regular) – $75.00USD

• SSA Membership Dues (Student) – $50.00USD

Conference Registration Fees:

• Conference Registration (Regular) – $100.00USD (late registration of $125.00USD after September 15, 2024)

• Conference Registration (Student) – $40.00USD (late registration of $50.00USD after September 15, 2024)

Registration fees include a welcoming reception with appetizers and cash-bar, three lunches, coffee/tea breaks, and a dinner banquet.

Please check the SSA website for updated and further information.

We look forward to welcoming you in Toronto, Canada!
