On Mihailo Marković’s Aesthetic Interpretation of Marxist Theory of Meaning
Fu Qilin
(College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064 China)
Abstract: Mihailo Marković, one of the most important members from the East European Neo-Marxist, especially from the Yugoslav Praxis Group, constructs a dialectic theory of meaning of Marxist humanism with the critique of theories of meaning from European and American, goes beyond the Stalinist mode of theory and the analyses of meaning based on the theory of reflection and the theory of expression, which implies some profound considerations of normative problem of theory of literature and arts and aesthetics. This paper is intended to investigate the significances and limitations of his aesthetic interpretation from the three fundamental perspectives, that is to say, praxis as the foundation of dialectical theory of meaning, analyses of meanings, and the possibility of communication of meanings.
Key words: East European Neo-Marxism; Mihailo Marković; theory of meaning; aesthetics
马克思主义语言学、符号学理论是20世纪国外马克思主义美学的新形态,它是随着20世纪哲学与文学理论的语言论转向而结出的重要的理论硕果,是马克思主义和语言学、符号学碰撞交融而形成的话语形态,为文艺与文化现象的马克思主义阐释提供了崭新的意义模式。在这些领域的探讨中涌现出了一批杰出的马克思主义学者,提出了诸如巴赫金的“话语分析”、沙夫的“文化政治符号学”、阿尔都塞的“结构主义马克思主义”、沃尔佩的“语义学美学”、马尔科维奇的“意义理论”、伊格尔顿和詹姆逊的“形式的意识形态”、赫勒的“话语文化观念”、哈贝马斯的“话语理论”等一系列的文艺理论和美学范畴,极大地丰富了当代马克思主义美学形态。其中,东欧新马克思主义特别是南斯拉夫“实践派”主要代表之一米哈伊洛·马尔科维奇(Mihailo Marković)的意义理论值得深入的关注。他在对欧美意义理论的系统批判和吸纳中,从社会实践出发建构了具有马克思主义人道主义特征的辩证意义理论,蕴含着文艺理论和美学的规范性的深刻思考。本论文主要基于他1961年出版的《辩证的意义理论》(Dialectical Theory of Meaning)一书,从辩证的意义理论的认识论的实践基础、意义维度之剖析与意义交往的可能性三个基本问题来审视其美学阐释的价值及其局限性。
马尔科维奇基于对符号意义及交往的历史起源性考察,进一步引出了意义的有效交往的问题。他认为,意义理论间接意义是多方面的的,可以作为语言学、心理学、知识社会学、人类学以及其他专业学科的理论讨论之基础,其直接意义在于它在人际交往过程中具有直接的实践意义,消除交往中的误解,促进意义最大限度的相互理解,通过交往规则达到有效交往,“我们认为一个交往过程是有效的,是指解释者和使用符号的那个人赋予相同的意义(或者说至少成功地理解使用符号的人所赋予的意义)。”[42]但是有效交往存在着符号使用的领域的差异性问题,不同领域具有不同的普遍性的层面,具有特殊的意义理论,“首先存在着最普遍性的层面——所有符号类型都属于这个层面——自然的和人工的,语言的与非语言的,信号与象征符号。第二,有效交往更为特殊的层面是直接涉及到哲学的符号领域——在艺术、道德、科学中见到的象征符号。第三,最具体的层面是哲学语言的抽象表达的领域(逻辑学、伦理学、美学和哲学史的语言)。”[43]尽管马尔科维奇主要关注认知的语言符号的有效交往问题,提出了有效交往的九个具体规则,诸如要清楚涉及的符号功能的类型、要使用基本意义维度的符号、保持符号意义的单一性、明确界定关键术语、考虑整体语境、保持语言的意义的相对稳定性、正确看待符号与对象的关系、维持最大限度的合作等。这些规则既是科学意义、逻辑意义交往的重要规则,事实上也是文学艺术领域的重要问题,有助于促进文艺美学领域的意义交往研究,也就是说文艺意义的交往必须考虑普遍性、相互理解问题,“美学家的任务是提供艺术符号意义的普遍的说明”[44]。譬如马尔科维奇提出的符号功能类型差异的交往问题是很有启发的,艺术语言与日常语言、科学语言属于不同的类型,每一种类型的语言表达式具有不同的认识地位和不同的逻辑特征,“无视这些差异是误解和不必要的冲突产生的共同原因之一。在一个符号活动领域中具有丰富意义的东西在另一个领域毫无意义。”[45]因此文艺美学领域的有效意义交往必须考虑文艺美学符号功能的特殊类型。又譬如,他提出的对整体语境的考虑对文艺研究是有参照意义的,为了恰当地理解欧洲文学中的符号,就必须普遍懂得荷马史诗和古希腊神话,否则就会产生误解,甚至不可能恰当地翻译英国文学或者电影的题目,所以“最充分的阐释的唯一可能性条件是考虑语言的所有的文化的和社会-历史设想与条件”。[46]这内在地基于对文学符号指称的客观性的认知。马尔科维奇讨论了文学叙述的交往问题,涉及到对罗素和梅隆(Alexius von Meinong)的描述理论。梅隆认为:“只存在着一个世界,就是真实的世界:莎士比亚的想象是这个世界的一部分,他在写作《哈姆雷特》时所拥有的思想是真实的。我们阅读剧本时所获得的思想也是真实的。但文学的实质恰恰就是,思想、情感等只对莎士比亚和他的读者来说是真实的。”[47]在马尔科维奇看来,虽然罗素部分同意梅隆的观点,但是他肯定会认为在莎士比亚和读者的思想情感中存在着不以主观解释为转移的客观元素,正如罗素所言“描述的知识的根本重要性是,它能够使我们超越个人经验的局限”[48],“正是因为这样,阅读或者观看《哈姆雷特》的那些人才能够彼此交往。”[49]因此描述的客观意义保证了交往和主体间性的可能性,就像摩尔依循康德的“共通感”所指出的,“我们无论何时凝神观照于事物时可以在我们和事物那里见出共同的东西。” [50]本身属于美的质性在凝神中呈现了出来,因而有效的审美交往就得以达成。马尔科维奇对意义交往的有效性规则的探索与导师艾耶尔的逻辑实证主义有相同之处,后者通过对形而上学及其神秘自我意识的批判,论析了人们彼此相互理解和交往的可能性,认为虽然每个自我具有私人性,但是由于两人处于同一个世界,所以通过观察自己和别人的举止“他们原则上能够相互理解”[51],而海德格尔、德里达等人则把“模糊性错认为深邃性”。[52]
[①] David A. Crocker, “Marković on critical social theory and human nature”, in John P. Burke,Lawrence Crocker,and Lyman Howard Legters,Marxism and the Good Society. Cambridge University Press, 1981. pp157-181.
[②] 在马尔科维奇看来,许多马克思主义辩证法研究的缺陷在于缺乏批判性,不能解释创造性工作,脱离人和人的经验,“真正的辩证法是涉及人在历史中的自我实现的”。Mihailo Marković , “Dialectic Today”, in Mihailo Marković and Gajo Petrović,eds. Praxis: Yugoslav Essays in the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Science. D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1979. P. 23.
[③] Mihailo Marković, “Preface to the English edition”, in Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.ix.
[④] Mihailo Marković, “Preface to the English edition”, in Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.xxvii.
[⑤] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.36.
[⑨] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.xiv.
[⑩] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.xv.
[11] Mihailo Marković, “Preface to the English edition”, in Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.xvi.
[12] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.13.
[13] Mihailo Marković , “Dialectic Today”, in Mihailo Marković and Gajo Petrovic,eds. Praxis: Yugoslav Essays in the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Science. D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1979. P. 28.
[14] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.43.
[15] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. pp.92-93.
[16] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.95.
[17] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.98.
[18] Mihailo Marković , “Introduction”, in Mihailo Marković and Gajo Petrovic,eds. Praxis: Yugoslav Essays in the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Science. D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1979. P. xxi.
[19] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.100.
[20] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.155.
[21] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.175.
[22] 也有研究者提出四位一体之说,参见Carl R. Hausman, Charles s. Peirce’s Evolutionary Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 1993. p.72.
[23] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.177.
[25] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.180.
[26] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.189.
[27] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.191.
[29] Alfred North Whitehead,Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect. Cambridge University Press, 1985. p.12.
[30] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.258.
[31] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.286.
[32] G. E. Moore, The Elements of Ethics. Temple University Press, 1991. P.91.
[33] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.307.
[34] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.321.
[35] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.331.
[36] Charles Morris, Signs, Language and Behavior. New York: Prentice Hall, 1946. p.40.
[37] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.342.
[38] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.349.
[39] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.12.
[40] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.357.
[41] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.358.
[42] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.373.
[43] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.374.
[44] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.10.
[45] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.376.
[46] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.385.
[47] Meinong, Untersuchung zur Gegenstandstheorie und Psychologie, Leipzig:Barth,1904. CF. Mihailo Markovic, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.250.
[49] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.251.
[50] G. E. Moore, The Elements of Ethics. Temple University Press, 1991. P.91.
[51] A. J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic. Penguin Books, 1971. P.143.
[52] A. J. Ayer, “A Defense of Empiricism”, in A Phillips Griffiths ed, A. J. Ayer: Memorial essays. Cambridge University Press, 1991. pp.1-16.
[55] Paul Ricoeur, “The Model of the Text: Meaningful Action Considered as a Text”, New Literary History, Vol.5, no.1(Aut., 1973),pp.91-117.
[56] Mihailo Marković, Dialectical Theory of Meaning. Trans. David Rougé , Joan Coddington and Zoran Minderovic. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984. p.274.
[57]William L. McBride,From Yugoslav Praxis to Global Pathos: Anti-hegemonic Post-post-marxist Essays. Roman & littlefield publishers, 2001. p.35.