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Essentials of Sports Narratology

作者:Wang Weiyan  来源:  浏览量:4031    2016-03-14 23:10:59

 Abstract: The reconsideration and reconstruction of narratology is becoming more urgent due to the “narrative turn” occurring in various disciplines. “General narratology”, a concept proposed by Zhao Yiheng, breaks through the traditional paradigm to a broader field in which the entire general narrative can be studied. It is in this context that “sports narratology” advances. As a brand new doctrine, sports narratology should first clarify the narrativity, the narrator and the textual form of sports. It must also elaborate on the core feature of the sports narrative: the communicative mode. Delving into these issues is of great importance to sports narratology, as it offers a basis for the further study of its internal relations, mechanisms and culture.

Keywords: sports narratology, text representation, narrator, media sports, sports culture, communicative mode


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